S. Amirhossein Abtahizadeh,
Foutse Khomh,
and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc.
How Green Are Cloud Patterns? A Case Study of Energy Consumption.
In Kui Ren and Tommaso Melodia, editors,
Proceedings of the 34th International Performance Computing and Communications Conference (IPCCC),
pages 1--8,
December 2015.
IEEE CS Press.
Note: 8 pages. [Text
] [Slides
] Keyword(s): Topic: Code and design smells,
Topic: Quality models,
Venue: IPCCC.
José Côté,
Gaston Godin,
Pilar Ramirez-Garcia,
Geneviève Rouleau,
Anne Bourbonnais,
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc,
Cécile Tremblay,
and Joanne Otis.
Virtual Intervention to Support Self-Management of Antiretroviral Therapy Among People Living With HIV.
In Gunther Eysenbach, editor,
Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, and Internet/Web 2.0 in Health, Medicine and Biomedical Research (Medicine 2.0),
pages e6,
October 2015.
Medicine 2.0.
Note: 12 pages. Medicine 2.0. [Slides
] Keyword(s): Topic: VIHTAVIE,
Venue: Medicine 2.0.
Jane Huffman Hayes,
Giuliano Antoniol,
Bram Adams,
and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc.
Inherent Characteristics of Traceability Artifacts: Less Is More.
In Didar Zowghi and Vincenzo Gervasi, editors,
Proceedings of the 23rd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE),
pages 196--201,
August 2015.
IEEE CS Press.
Note: 6 pages. RE Next!.
] [Slides
] Keyword(s): Topic: Program comprehension,
Venue: RE.
Jane Huffman Hayes,
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc,
Giuliano Antoniol,
Wenbin Li,
and Mirek Truszczynski.
Error Leakage and Wasted Time: Sensitivity Analysis of a Requirements Consistency Checking Process.
In Marouane Kessentini, editor,
Proceedings of the 1st North American Search Based Software Engineering Symposium (NasBASE),
pages 1061--1080,
February 2015.
Note: 15 pages. [Text
] [Slides
] Keyword(s): Topic: Requirements and features,
Venue: NasBASE.
Francis Palma,
Javier Gonzalez-Huerta,
Naouel Moha,
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc,
and Guy Tremblay.
Are RESTful APIs Well-designed? Detection of Their Linguistic (Anti)Patterns.
In Alistair Barros,
Daniela Grigori,
and N.C. Narendra, editors,
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC),
pages 171--187,
November 2015.
Note: 16 pages. [Text
] [Slides
] Keyword(s): Topic: Code and design smells,
Venue: ICSOC.
Francis Palma,
Naouel Moha,
and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc.
Specification and Detection of Business Process Antipatterns.
In Morad Benyoucef and Michael Weiss, editors,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on eTechnologies (MCETECH),
pages 37--52,
May 2015.
Note: 15 pages. [Text
] [Slides
] Keyword(s): Topic: Code and design smells,
Geneviève Rouleau,
José Côté,
Pilar Ramirez-Garcia,
Annick Hernandez,
and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc.
VIH-TAVIE et TAVIE en santé : interventions infirmières en cybersanté pour soutenir la prise des antirétroviraux et l'adoption de comportements de santé auprès d'une clientèle VIH.
In Céline Audet and Claude La Charité, editors,
actes du 83e congrès de l'ACFAS,
mai 2015.
Keyword(s): Topic: VIHTAVIE,
Venue: ACFAS.
Zohreh Sharafi,
Timothy Shaffer,
Bonita Sharif,
and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc.
Eye-tracking Metrics in Software Engineering.
In Jing Sun and Y. Raghu Reddy, editors,
Proceedings of the 22nd Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC),
pages 96--103,
December 2015.
IEEE CS Press.
Note: 8 pages. [Text
] [Slides
] Keyword(s): Topic: Program comprehension,
Venue: APSEC.
Zéphyrin Soh,
Thomas Drioul,
Pierre-Antoine Rappe,
Foutse Khomh,
Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc,
and Naji Habra.
Noises in Interaction Traces Data and their Impact on Previous Research Studies.
In Jeff Carver and Oscar Dieste, editors,
Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium of Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement (ESEM),
pages 1--10,
October 2015.
IEEE CS Press.
Note: 10 pages. [Text
] [Slides
] Keyword(s): Topic: Program comprehension,
Venue: ESEM.