Some publications by Kent Beck
Kent Beck.
Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change.
1st edition,
October 1999.
Articles in journal or book chapters
Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.
Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests.
Java Report,
July 1998.
Kent Beck and Ralph E. Johnson.
Patterns Generate Architectures.
In Mario Tokoro and Remo Pareschi, editors,
Proceedings of 8th European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming,
pages 139--149,
July 1994.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Ralph E. Johnson,
Kent Beck,
Grady Booch,
William Cook,
Richard Gabriel,
and Rebecca Wirfs-Brock.
How to Get a Paper Accepted at OOPSLA.
In Andreas Paepcke, editor,
Proceedings of the 8th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications,
pages 429--436,
October 1993.
ACM Press.
Kent Beck and Ward Cunningham.
Using Pattern Languages for Object-Oriented Programs.
Technical report CR-87-43,
Computer Research Laboratory, Tektronix, Inc.,
September 1987.
Note: Submitted to the OOPSLA'87 workshop on the Specification and Design for Object-oriented Programming. [WWW
Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.
Web site,
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