Some publications by Charles Consel


Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Charles Consel and Renaud Marlet. Architecturing Software Using: A Methodology for Language Development. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1490:170--194, September 1998. [WWW ]

Conference articles
  1. Galen S. Swint, Calton Pu, Gueyoung Jung, Wenchang Yan, Younggyun Koh, Qinyi Wu, Charles Consel, Akhil Sahai, and Koichi Moriyama. Clearwater: extensible, flexible, modular code generation.. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2005), pages 144-153, 2005. ACM.

  2. Charles Consel and Laurent Réveillère. A Programmable Client-Server Model: Robust Extensibility via DSLs.. In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2003), pages 70-79, 2003. IEEE Computer Society.

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