Some publications by Simon Denier


Conference articles
  1. Simon Denier and Yann-Gaël Guéhéneuc. Mendel: a Model, Metrics, and Rules to Understand Class Hierarchies. In René Krikhaar Chris Verhoef and Ralf Lämmel, editors, 16th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension, june 2008. IEE Computer Society.

  2. Simon Denier, Hervé Albin-Amiot, and Pierre Cointe. Expression and Composition of Design Patterns with Aspects. In Lionel Seinturier, editor, actes de la 2e Journée Francophone sur le Développement de Logiciels Par Aspects, Septembre 2005. Hermès. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

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