Some publications by Amnon H. Eden
Amnon H. Eden.
Precise Specification of Design Patterns and Tool Support in their Application.
PhD thesis,
Department of Computer Science, University of Tel Aviv,
Amnon H. Eden and Rick Kazman.
Architecture, Design, Implementation.
In Laurie Dillon and Walter Tichy, editors,
Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering,
pages 149--159,
May 2003.
ACM Press.
Amnon H. Eden,
Amiram Yehudai,
and Joseph Gil.
Precise Specification and Automatic Application of Design Patterns.
In Michael Lowry and Yves Ledru, editors,
Proceedings of the 12th Conference on Automated Software Engineering,
pages 143--152,
November 1997.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Amnon H. Eden and Amiram Yehudai.
Tricks Generate Patterns.
Technical report 324,
Department of Computer Science, University of Tel Aviv,
Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
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