Some publications by Stuart Kent
Articles in journal or book chapters
Anthony Lauder and Stuart Kent.
Legacy System Anti-Patterns and a Pattern-Oriented Migration Response.
In Peter Henderson, editor, Systems Engineering for Business Process Change,
chapter 16,
pages 1--8.
March 2000.
Stuart Kent,
Andy Evans,
and Bernhard Rumpe.
UML Semantics FAQ.
In Ana M. D. Moreira and Serge Demeyer, editors,
ECOOP workshop reader,
pages 33--56,
June 1999.
Anthony Lauder and Stuart Kent.
Precise Visual Specification of Design Patterns.
In Serge Demeyer and Jan Bosch, editors,
Proceedings of 12th European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming,
pages 114--134,
July 1998.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
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