Some publications by Hakim Lounis


Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Khaled El-Emam, Saida Benlarbi, Nishith Goel, Walcello Melo, Hakim Lounis, and Shesh N. Rai. The Optimal Class Size for Object-Oriented Software: A Replicated Study. IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 28(5):494--509, June 2002.

  2. M. Boukadoum H. A. Sahraoui and H. Lounis. Building Quality Estimation models with Fuzzy Threshold Values. L’Objet, 17(4), 2001.

  3. Houari A. Sahraoui, Hakim Lounis, Walcélio Melo, and Hafedh Mili. A Concept Formation Based Approach to Object Identification in Procedural Code. Automated Software Engg., 6(4):387--410, 1999.

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