Some publications by Walcélio Melo
Articles in journal or book chapters
Khaled El-Emam,
Saida Benlarbi,
Nishith Goel,
Walcello Melo,
Hakim Lounis,
and Shesh N. Rai.
The Optimal Class Size for Object-Oriented Software: A Replicated Study.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
June 2002.
Houari A. Sahraoui,
Hakim Lounis,
Walcélio Melo,
and Hafedh Mili.
A Concept Formation Based Approach to Object Identification in Procedural Code.
Automated Software Engg.,
Forrest Shull,
Walcélio Melo,
and Victor R. Basili.
An Inductive Method for Discovering Design Patterns from Object-Oriented Software Systems.
Technical report CS-TR-3597,
Computer Science Department, University of Maryland,
January 1996.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
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