Some publications by Mikal Ziane


Conference articles
  1. Mikal Ziane, Gilles Ardourel, Marianne Huchard, and Salima Chantit. Formalizing the Decoupling Constraints of Design Patterns. In Gilles Ardourel, Hernan Astudillo, Daniel Bardou, Marianne Huchard, and Günter Kniesel, editors, Proceedings of the 1st OOIS Workshop on Encapsulation and Access Rights in Object-Oriented Design and Programming, pages 45--54, September 2003. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  2. Mikal Ziane. Towards Tool Support for Design Patterns Using Program Transformations. In Robert Godin and Isabelle Borne, editors, Proceedings of the 7th colloquium on Languages and Models with Objects, pages 199--124, January 2001. Hermés Science Publications.

Internal reports
  1. Mikal Ziane. Redécouvrir les Solutions des Design Patterns. Technical report 2002/017, LIP6, septembre 2002. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  1. Mikal Ziane. LUTIN -- Outillage Des Patrons de Conception et D'architecture Avec Prise En Compte de Leur Sémantique, Mai 2001. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

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