Some publications of year 1998
Martìn Abadi and Luca Cardelli.
A Theory of Objects,
Monographs in Computer Science.
Second edition,
William J. Brown,
Raphael C. Malveau,
William H. Brown,
Hays W. McCormick III,
and Thomas J. Mowbray.
Anti Patterns: Refactoring Software, Architectures, and Projects in Crisis.
John Wiley and Sons,
1st edition,
March 1998.
Matthias Felleisen and Daniel P. Friedman.
A Little Java, A Few Patterns.
The MIT Press,
Mark Grand.
Patterns in Java -- Volume 1.
John Willey & Sons, Inc.,
Richard S. Sutton and Andrew G. Barto.
Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction.
MIT Press,
1st edition,
March 1998.
Raquel Navarro-Prieto.
The Role of Imagery in Program Comprehension: Visual Programming Languages.
PhD thesis,
University of Granada,
Articles in journal or book chapters
James O. Coplien.
Software Design Patterns: Common Questions and Answers.
In Linda Rising, editor, The Patterns Handbook: Techniques, Strategies, and Applications,
pages 311--320.
Cambridge University Press,
January 1998.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Lars-Erik Andersson,
Thomas J. Peters,
and Neil F. Stewart.
Selfintersection of Composite Curves and Surfaces.
journal of Computer Aided Geometric Design,
May 1998.
Jagdish Bansiya.
Automating Design-Pattern Identification.
Dr. Dobb's Journal,
June 1998.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
James M. Bieman and Byung-Kyoo Kang.
Measuring Design-Level Cohesion.
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering,
February 1998.
Note: Http://
Conrqa Bock and James J. Odell.
A More Complete Model of Relations and Their Implementation -- Part IV: Aggregation.
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming,
September 1998.
Jan Bosch.
Design Patterns as Language Constructs.
Journal of Object-Oriented Programming,
February 1998.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Denis Caromel,
Wilfried Klauser,
and Julien Vayssière.
Towards Seamless Computing and Metacomputing in Java.
Concurrency Practice and Experience,
Gaëtane Chapelle.
Poupées Russes ou filet de pêche.
Sciences Humaines,
décembre 1998.
Shigeru Chiba and Michiaki Tatsubori.
Yet Another Java.Lang.Class.
Proceedings of the OOPSLA workshop,
Pierre Cointe,
Isabelle Borne,
and Philippe Krief.
Smalltalk À L'École Des Mines de Nantes.
Charles Consel and Renaud Marlet.
Architecturing Software Using: A Methodology for Language Development.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
September 1998.
Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.
Test Infected: Programmers Love Writing Tests.
Java Report,
July 1998.
Richard Lemesle.
Transformation Rules Based on Meta-Modelling.
Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on International Enterprise Distributed Object Computing,
Sheng Liang and Gilad Bracha.
Dynamic Class Loading in the Java Virtual Machine.
Proceedings of the conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications,
pp 36--44,
October 1998.
Radu Marinescu.
Using Object-Oriented Metrics for Automatic Design Flaws Detection in Large Scale Systems.
ECOOP workshop reader,
pp 252--255,
Harold Ossher and Peri Tarr.
Operation-Level Composition: A Case in (Join) Point.
ECOOP workshop reader,
pp 406--409,
Lutz Prechelt and Christian Krämer.
Functionality versus Practicality: Employing Existing Tools for Recovering Structural Design Patterns.
Journal of Universal Computer Science,
Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Keith Rayner.
Eye Movements in Reading and Information Processing: 20 Years of Research.
Psychological Bulletin,
July 1998.
Dave Thomas.
Web Time Software Development.
Software Development,
Steven P. Vanderwiel,
Daphna Nathanson,
and David J. Lilja.
A comparative analysis of parallel programming language complexity and performance.
Concurrency: Practice and Experience,
Ellen Agerbo and Aino Cornils.
How to Preserve the Benefits of Design Patterns.
In Craig Chambers, editor,
Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications,
pages 134--143,
October 1998.
ACM Press.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Nicolas Anquetil and Timothy Lethbridge.
Extracting Concepts from File Names: A New File Clustering Criterion.
In Kokichi Futatsugi and Richard Kemmerer, editors,
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering,
pages 84--93,
May 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Giuliano Antoniol,
Roberto Fiutem,
and Lucas Cristoforetti.
Design Pattern Recovery in Object-Oriented Software.
In Scott Tilley and Giuseppe Visaggio, editors,
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Program Comprehension,
pages 153--160,
June 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Shigeru Chiba.
Javassist -- A Reflection-Based Programming Wizard for Java.
In Jean-Charles Fabre and Shigeru Chiba, editors,
Proceedings of the OOPSLA workshop on Reflective Programming in C++ and Java,
October 1998.
Center for Computational Physics,
University of Tsukuba.
Note: UTCCP Report 98-4.
Chris Crenshaw.
The JavaBeans Developer Kitchen.
In ,
Phoenix Technologies,
Object Technology International.
Philippe Desfray.
Automation of Design Pattern: Concepts, Tools and Practices.
In Jean Bézivin and Pierre-Alain Muller, editors,
The Unified Modelling Language, UML'98 -- Beyond the Notation. First International Workshop, Mulhouse, France, June 1998,
volume 1618 of LNCS,
pages 107--114,
Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Richard C. Holt.
Structural Manipulations of Software Architecture using Tarski Relational Algebra.
In Proceedings of the Fifth Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'98),
Honolulu, HI, USA,
pages 210--219,
October 1998.
IEEE Computer Society.
Keyword(s): architecture relational schema software taski.
Anthony Lauder and Stuart Kent.
Precise Visual Specification of Design Patterns.
In Serge Demeyer and Jan Bosch, editors,
Proceedings of 12th European Conference for Object-Oriented Programming,
pages 114--134,
July 1998.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Nicole Lévy and Francis Losavio.
Analyzing and Comparing Architectural Styles.
In Raul Monge and Marcello Visconti, editors,
Proceedings of the 19th international Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society,
November 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Spiros Mancoridis,
Brian S. Mitchell,
Yih-Farn Chen,
and Emden R. Gansner.
Bunch: A Clustering Tool for the Recovery and Maintenance of Software System Structures.
In Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar and Keith Bennett, editors,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Maintenance,
pages 50--59,
August 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Tommi Mikkonen.
Formalizing Design Patterns.
In Takuya Katayama and David Notkin, editors,
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Software Engineering,
pages 115--124,
April 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Brian Keith Miller,
Pei Hsia,
and Chenho Kung.
Object-Oriented Architecture Measures.
In Proceedings of the Thirty-second Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences,
pages 1--18,
Philippe Mulet.
Inside Nested Classes.
In ,
Object Technology International.
Mel O'Cinnéide and Paddy Nixon.
A Methodology for the Automated Introduction of Design Patterns.
In Taghi M. Khoshgoftaar and Keith Bennett, editors,
Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Software Maintenance,
Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Randall C. O'Reilly,
Kenneth A. Norman,
and James L. McClelland.
A Hippocampal Model of Recognition Memory.
In Michael I. Jordan,
Michael J. Kearns,
and Sara A. Solla, editors,
Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems,
pages 73--79,
June 1998.
MIT Press.
Monika Saksena,
Robert B. France,
and Maria M. Larrondo-Petrie.
A Characterization of Aggregation.
In Colette Rolland, editor,
Proceedings of the 5th international conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems,
pages 363--372,
September 1998.
Reinhard Schauer and Rudolf Keller.
Pattern Visualization for Software Comprehension.
In Scott Tilley and Giuseppe Visaggio, editors,
Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Program Comprehension,
pages 4--12,
June 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Jochen Seemann and Jürgen Wolff von Gudenberg.
Pattern-based Design Recovery of Java Software.
In Bill Scherlis, editor,
Proceedings of 5th international symposium on Foundations of Software Engineering,
pages 10--16,
November 1998.
ACM Press.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Michiaki Tatsubori and Shigeru Chiba.
Programming Support of Design Patterns with Compile-Time Reflection.
In Jean-Charles Fabre and Shigeru Chiba, editors,
Proceedings of the 1st OOPSLA workshop on Reflective Programming in C++ and Java,
pages 56--60,
October 1998.
Center for Computational Physics, University of Tsukuba.
Note: UTCCP Report 98-4. [WWW
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Andrew Walenstein.
Developing the Designer's Toolkit with Software Comprehension Models.
In David F. Redmiles and Bashar Nuseibeh, editors,
Proceedings of the 13th international conference on Automated Software Engineering,
pages 310--313,
October 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
Roel Wuyts.
Declarative Reasoning About the Structure of Object-Oriented Systems.
In Joseph Gil, editor,
Proceedings of the 26th Conference on the Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems,
pages 112--124,
August 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Bart Wydaeghe,
Kurt Verschaeve,
Bart Michiels,
Bruno Van Damme,
Evert Arckens,
and Viviane Jonckers.
Building an OMT-Editor Using Design Patterns: An Experience Report.
In proceedings of the 26th Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems conference,
pages 20--32,
August 1998.
IEEE Computer Society Press.
B. Wydaeghe,
K. Verschaeve,
B. Michiels,
B. Van Damme,
E. Arckens,
and V. Jonckers..
Building an OMT-Editor Using Design Patterns: An Experience Report.
In ,
Hervé Albin-Amiot.
Java Code Conventions -- Complément de la Version Officielle de Sun Microsystems.
Technical report,
Mireille Ducassé.
Coca: A Debugger for C Based on Fine Grained Control Flow and Data Events.
Technical report 3489,
September 1998.
Konstantin Läufer,
Gerald Baumgartner,
and Vincent Russo.
Safe Structural Conformance for Java.
Technical report Technical Report OSU-CISRC-6/98-TR20,
Computer and Information Science Department, University of Ohio,
June 1998.
Bjarne Steensgaard and David Gay.
Stack Allocating Objects in Java.
Technical report 777,
Microsoft Research,
October 1998.
UKSMA Metrics Practices Committee.
MK II Function Point Analysis Counting Practices Manual.
United Kingdom Software Metrics Association,
September 1998.
Note: Version 1.3.1. [WWW
Keith Johnson.
Note: Http://
Erich Gamma and Thomas Eggenschwiler.
Web site,
Görel Hedin,
Anders Ive,
Khalid Mughal,
Kurt Normark,
Henrik Ron,
and Kasper \Osterbye.
Report from TSA-1. Tools for Design Patterns,
Note: Subsubworkshop held as part of the NWPER'98 subworkshop on Tools for Software Architecture (TSA).Keyword(s): Design Patterns.
Robert C. Martin.
Association, Aggregation, and Composition Relationships,
Guy L. Steel.
Growing a Language.
October 1998.
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