Some publications of year 2003


Books and proceedings
  1. Deepak Alur, Dan Malks, and John Crupi. Core J2EE Patterns: Best Practices and Design Strategies. Prentice Hall, 2nd edition, May 2003. [WWW ]

  2. Mary Beth Chrissis, Mike Konrad, and Sandy Shrum. CMMI : Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement. Addison-Wesley, 1st edition, 2003.

  3. Bill Dudney, Stephen Asbury, Joseph Krozak, and Kevin Wittkopf. J2EE AntiPatterns. Wiley, 2003.

  4. Albert Endres and Dieter Rombach. A Handbook of Software and Systems Engineering. Addison-Wesley, 1st edition, March 2003. [WWW ]

  5. Robert Cecil Martin. Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices. Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA, 2003.

  6. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Cambridge University Press, August 2003.

  7. William C. Wake. Refactoring Workbook. Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA, 2003.

  1. Hervé Albin-Amiot. Idiomes et Patterns Java : Application à la Synthèse de Code et à la Détection. PhD thesis, université de Nantes, février 2003.

  2. Andrés Farìas. Un modèle de composants avec des protocoles explicites. PhD thesis, Université de Nantes, décembre 2003.

  3. Michele Lanza. Object-Oriented Reverse Engineering -- Coarse-grained, Fine-grained, and Evolutionary Software Visualization. PhD thesis, Institute of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, May 2003. [WWW ]

  4. Mika Mantyla. Bad Smells in Software - a Taxonomy and an Empirical Study.. PhD thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2003.

Articles in journal or book chapters
  1. Giuliano Antoniol, Roberto Fiutem, and Christopher J. Lokan. Object-Oriented Function Points: An Empirical Validation. journal of Empirical Software Engineering, 8(3):225--254, September 2003. [WWW ]

  2. Lionel Briand, Yvan Labiche, and Y. Miao. Towards the reverse engineering of UML sequence diagrams. Proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, pp 57--66, November 2003.

  3. Thomas Eisenbarth, Rainer Koschke, and Daniel Simon. Locating Features in Source Code. Transactions on Software Engineering, 29(3):210--224, March 2003. [WWW ]

  4. Donald G. Firesmith. Common Concepts Underlying Safety, Security, and Survivability Engineering. Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute - Technical Note CMU/SEI-2003-TN-033, December 2003. Note: Http:// 03.reports/pdf/03tn033.pdf.

  5. Armando Fox and David Patterson. La fin des défaillances informatiques. Pour la science, (312):28--35, octobre 2003. [WWW ]

  6. Giancarlo Succi, Witold Pedrycz, Milorad Stefanovic, and James Miller. Practical Assessment of the Models for Identification of Defect-Prone Classes in Object-Oriented Commercial Systems using Design Metrics. journal of Systems and Software, 65(1):1--12, January 2003. [WWW ]

  7. Toufic Taibi and David Chek Ling Ngo. Formal Specification of Design Pattern Combination using BPSL. journal of Information and Software Technology, 45(3):157--170, March 2003. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  8. Harold W. Thimbleby. The directed Chinese Postman Problem. journal of Software -- Practice and Experience, 33(11):1081--1096, September 2003. [WWW ]

  9. Michel de Pracontal. Mémoire : les dernières découvertes qui changent tout. Nouvel Observateur Hebdo, (2041), décembre 2003. [WWW ]

Conference articles
  1. Nicolas Belloir, Jean-Michel Bruel, and Franck Barbier. Whole-Part Relationship for Software Component Combination. In Gerhard Chroust and Christian Hofer, editors, Proceedings of the 29th Euromicro Conference, pages 86--91, Septembre 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  2. Dirk Beyer, Andres Noack, and Claus Lewerentz. Simple and Efficient Relational Querying of Software Structures. In Eleni Stroulia and Arie van Deursen, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, pages 216--225, November 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  3. James Bieman, Greg Straw, Huxia Wang, P. Willard Munger, and Roger T. Alexander. Design Patterns and Change Proneness: An Examination of Five Evolving Systems. In Michael Berry and Warren Harrison, editors, Proceedings of the 9th international Software Metrics Symposium, pages 40--49, September 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  4. Miro Casanova and Ragnhild van der Straeten. Supporting Evolution in Component-based Software Development Using Component Libraries. In Mark van den Brand and Tibor Gyimothy, editors, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, January 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  5. Charles Consel and Laurent Réveillère. A Programmable Client-Server Model: Robust Extensibility via DSLs.. In Proceedings of the 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2003), pages 70-79, 2003. IEEE Computer Society.

  6. Krzysztof Czarnecki and Simon Helsen. Classification of Model Transformation Approaches. In Jorn Bettin, Ghica van Emde Boas, Aditya Agrawal, Ed Willink, and Jean Bezivin, editors, Proceedings of the $2{nd}$ OOPSLA workshop on Generative Techniques in the Context of Model-driven Architecture, October 2003. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  7. Pierre-Charles David and Thomas Ledoux. Towards a Framework for Self-Adaptive Component-Based Applications. In Jean-Bernard Stefani, Isabelle Demeure, and Daniel Hagimont, editors, Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems, pages 1--14, November 2003. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ]

  8. Amnon H. Eden and Rick Kazman. Architecture, Design, Implementation. In Laurie Dillon and Walter Tichy, editors, Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Software Engineering, pages 149--159, May 2003. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  9. Holger Eichelberger. Nice Class Diagrams Admit Good Design?. In John T. Stasko, editor, Proceedings of the 1st symposium on Software Visualization, pages 159--168, June 2003. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  10. Mohammad Ghoniem and Jean-Daniel Fekete. Visualisation matricielle des graphes et manipulation directe de hiérarchies de clusters. In Éric Brangier and Christophe Kolski, editors, actes de la 15e conférence sur l'Interaction Homme--Machine, novembre 2003. ACM Press. Note: Soumis pour publication.

  11. Mohammad Ghoniem, Narendra Jussien, and Jean-Daniel Fekete. Visualizing Explanations to Exhibit Dynamic Structure in Constraint Problems. In Barry O'Sullivan and Eugene C. Freuder, editors, Proceedings of the 3rd CP workshop on User-Interaction in Constraint Satisfaction, pages 1--15, September--October 2003. Cork Constraint Computation Centre, Department of Computer Science, University College Cork. [WWW ]

  12. Scott Grant and James R. Cordy. An Interactive Interface for Refactoring Using Source Transformation. In Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Refactoring: Achievements, Challenges, Effects (REFACE'03), pages 30--33, November 2003. [WWW ]

  13. Dirk Heuzeroth, Welf Löwe, and Stefan Mandel. Generating Design Pattern Detectors from Pattern Specifications. In 18th IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2003, 2003. IEEE.

  14. Wolfgang Hümmer, Andreas Bauer, and Gunnar Harde. XCube -- XML for Data Warehouses. In Stefano Rizzi and Il-Yeol Song, editors, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Data Warehousing and OLAP, pages 33--40, November 2003. ACM Press. [WWW ]

  15. Narendra Jussien. Programmation par contraintes pour les technologies logicielles. In Gilles Muller, editor, actes du colloque GEMSTIC, avril 2003. Groupe des Ecoles des Mines. [WWW ]

  16. Michele Lanza. CodeCrawler---Lessons Learned in Building a Software Visualization Tool. In Mark van den Brand and Tibor Gyimothy, editors, Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, pages 409--418, March 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  17. Tom Mens, Tom Tourwé, and F. Muñoz. Beyond the Refactoring Browser: Advanced Tool Support for Software Refactoring. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Principles of Software Evolution IWPSE 2003., pages 39-44, 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  18. Jörg Niere, Jörg P. Wadsack, and Lothar Wendehals. Handling Large Search Space in Pattern-based Reverse Engineering. In Ken Wong and Rainer Koschke, editors, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Program Comprehension, pages 274-280, May 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

  19. Juergen Rilling and Tuomas Klemola. Identifying Comprehension Bottlenecks Using Program Slicing and Cognitive Complexity Metrics. In Rainer Koschke and Kenny Wong, editors, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Program Comprehension, pages 115--124, May 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  20. Stuart E. Schechter, Rachel A. Greenstadt, and Michael D. Smith. Trusted Computing, Peer-to-Peer Distribution, and the Economics of Pirated Entertainment. In Proceedings of the 2nd workshop on Economics and Computing, May 2003.

  21. Sébastien Sorlin, Pierre-Antoine Champin, and Christine Solnon. Mesurer la similarité de graphes étiquetés. In Chu-Min Li, editor, actes des 9e Journées Nationales sur la résolution de Problèmes NP-Complets, pages 91--107, juin 2003. Hermès Science Publications. [WWW ]

  22. Marc Ségura-Devillechaise and Jean-Marc Menaud. $\mu$Dyner -- Un noyau efficace pour le tissage dynamique d'aspects sur processus natif en cours d'exécution. In Jean-Pierre Briot, editor, RSTI -- L'objet, pages 119--133, février 2003. Hermès. [WWW ]

  23. Andrew Walenstein. Observing and Measuring Cognitive Support: Steps Toward Systematic Tool Evaluation and Engineering. In Rainer Koschke and Ken Wong, editors, Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Program Comprehension, pages 185--194, May 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  24. Wei Zhao, Lu Zhang, Yin Liu, Jing Luo, and Jiasu Sun. Understanding How the Requirements are Implemented in Source Code. In Pornsiri Muenchaisri and Doo-hwan Bae, editors, Proceedings of the 10th Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, pages 68--77, December 2003. IEEE Computer Society Press. [WWW ]

  25. Mikal Ziane, Gilles Ardourel, Marianne Huchard, and Salima Chantit. Formalizing the Decoupling Constraints of Design Patterns. In Gilles Ardourel, Hernan Astudillo, Daniel Bardou, Marianne Huchard, and Günter Kniesel, editors, Proceedings of the 1st OOIS Workshop on Encapsulation and Access Rights in Object-Oriented Design and Programming, pages 45--54, September 2003. Springer-Verlag. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

Internal reports
  1. Michael Hahsler. A Quantitative Study of the Application of Design Patterns in Java. Technical report 1/2003, University of Wien, January 2003. [WWW ] Keyword(s): Design Patterns.

Manuals, booklets
  1. Project Metrics in Project Analyzer. 2003. Note: Http://

  2. Jean-Daniel Fekete. The InfoVis Toolkit. INRIA Futurs, May 2003. [WWW ]

  3. Object Management Group. UML v1.5 Specification. March 2003. [WWW ]

  4. Joe Wolfe. How to write a Ph.D. thesis -- How to survive a thesis defence. University of New South Wales, April 2003. [WWW ]

  1. Reda Bendraou. Élaboration d'un méta-modèle pivot pour la migration de SI basée sur la transformation de modèles. Master's thesis, LRI, Université de Paris-Sud XI, septembre 2003.

  2. Leon Brooks. Picking up your marbles, February 2003. [WWW ]

  3. Auknomi Co.. software development methodology, 2003. Note: Http://

  4. DGTIC. Configuration des paramètres réseau sous Windows 2000, décembre 2003. [WWW ]

  5. Jörg Denzinger. CPSC 333/SENG 311: Foundations of Software Engineering, February 2003. [WWW ]

  6. Mathieu Guyon. La mémoire, novembre 2003. Note: Cours de psychologie cognitive.

  7. Mathieu Guyon. Le concept de mémoire de travail, novembre 2003. Note: Cours de psychologie cognitive.

  8. Mathieu Guyon. Le traitement cognitif des documents multimédias, novembre 2003. Note: Cours de psychologie cognitive.

  9. Mathieu Guyon. Les mécanismes attentionnels, novembre 2003. Note: Cours de psychologie cognitive.

  10. Henry Habrias. Journée Droit et Informatique, avril 2003. [WWW ]

  11. Marianne Huchard. Curriculum Vitae et sélection d'articles, Mars 2003.

  12. Pierre Le Hir. La recherche française dans la spirale du déclin, mars 2003. [WWW ]

  13. Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, March 2003. [WWW ]

  14. Matt Seaton. Blast from the past, February 2003. [WWW ]

  15. Bill Venners. A Conversation with James Gosling -- Part, June 2003. Note: Analyze this! Series. [WWW ]

  16. Google Watch. We nominated Google for the 2003 U.S. coporate Big Brother of the Year, March 2003. [WWW ]

  17. L'éditorial du Monde. Echec américain, mars 2003. [WWW ]

  18. Open-source project. Azureus, June 2003. Note: Http:// [WWW ]

  19. Office québécois de la langue française. Grand dictionnaire terminologique en ligne, février 2003. [WWW ]

  20. Steffen van Bakel. Notes for Assured Software: Semantics Course Information, January 2003. [WWW ]

  21. Pascal Rapicault, Mireille Blay-Fornarino, Jean-Paul Rigault, and Estelle Ringenbach. Modelling Frameworks to Facilitate their Usage: The Framework Customisation Model and the Babylon Tool. , December 2003.

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