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    Since 07/09/20
For more information on my courses from 2006 onward, please visit my dedicated team's page. (The URLs below on this page may not work anymore due to unpredictable circumstances out of my power.) |
During the academic year 2005–2006, I teach the following courses to students: |
During the academic year 2004–2005, I teach the following courses to students: |
During the academic year 2003–2004, I teach the following courses to students: |
I also participated in the following graduate course: |
- IFT6251 in the winter session for a crash course on design patterns.
| Slides | 27 Jan 04 | Crash course on design patterns. | pdf | 27 Jan 04 | The Visitor design pattern | pdf | 27 Jan 04 | On the identification of design motifs | pdf |
During the academic year 2002–2003, I did the following teachings: |
- Graduate students:
- EMOOSE students:
During the academic year 2001–2002, I did the following teachings: |
- Graduate students:
- EMOOSE students:
| Slides | 16 Oct 02 | Crash course on design patterns. | pdf |
During the academic year 2000–2001, I did the following teachings: |
- Graduate students:
- Exercises and labs on object-oriented programming with Java.
- EMOOSE students:
- Capita-Selecta on the MOF and ArgoUML (Marc Ségura-Devillechaise).
| Text | Slides | 16 Oct 02 | Virtual Machines. | pdf | pdf |
| Slides | 16 Oct 02 | Crash course on Eclipse. | pdf |
| Text | Slides | 28 Jan 02 | Practical exercises for the course on Reflection. | pdf | pdf |
| Text | 24 Apr 02 | Comprehensive Object-Oriented Learning International Exchange - 1 trip report. | pdf | |